Hi! My name is Ari.

I used to feel like working out was just another thing that I needed to check off of my to do list.

But then I found movement that I actually enjoyed, and my mindset shifted. Moving my body transformed from feeling like an imposition to becoming a sacred routine where I could focus solely on myself and my physical and mental health.

Having battled with anxiety and panic disorder my entire life, I discovered that movement and mindfulness were the most profound tools for alleviating my symptoms. Once I realized this, I made it my mission to share these invaluable tools with others.

As a yoga instructor, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching thousands of students in person and virtually, through classes, corporate events, and yoga retreats. My classes focus on building strength and functional movement, while emphasizing mindfulness, stress reduction, and building unwavering confidence.

As a personal trainer, I specialize in crafting efficient full-body exercise programs for yoga practitioners who want to increase their strength to improve their yoga practice.

I was put on this Earth to help people incorporate movement and mindfulness into their lives in a way that feels like joy, help them reach their goals, and cheer them on relentlessly.



Verb: to lift, raise, elevate
Adjective: filled with optimism, hope


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Mindful Leader

Registered Yoga Teacher, Hot Asana Yoga University

Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor, Hot Asana Yoga University

Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine

Yin Yoga Instructor, Hot Asana Yoga University

Group Fitness Instructor, Athletics & Fitness Association of America

Master’s Degree Education, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Additional Certifications:

Double Black Belt


Mental Health First Aid Training

Advanced Yoga Sequencing

Hands-on Yoga Assisting

Anatomy for Yoga